Monday, February 21, 2011

BIG Week and an Update!

Well...So far I have been a terrible blogger!  I am going to make this short and simple though because so much is going on this week and I know I will want to write about it later!!!

Not only is DNow this weekend, but Wednesday is the BIG DAY!  We find out what BABY CLIBURN is!  A boy or a girl?!?!?  I will post about the BIG REVEAL hopefully Sunday afternoon.  We are not going to tell anyone until Saturday when we can tell our parents. 

I promised last post to put up a pic of the baby.  This picture is from our 10 week ultrasound.  The baby is waving in the picture.  Such a little miracle!!

As of today... I am 16 weeks and 5 days.  The baby is about 5 in long and weighs about 5 oz or is the size of a TURNIP!  What an odd comparison of a turnip to our baby!  HA! 

This picture was made at 15 weeks 2 days and it is amazing to me how much bigger my belly is now than it was a week and a half ago!!!  Sorry!  I don't have a pic of my belly today! 

Well, I think that is about it for now.  I WILL post again at some point this weekend.  Please be in prayer for this weekend as Disciple Now is taking place.  Matt and I have opened our home to some of the students at CBC.  I am so excited about this venture, but Satan is at work trying to kill, steal, and destroy before the weekend even begins.  I know this means the Lord must have BIG THINGS in store!!!  My prayer is that every single person involved, both students and adults, will have a revelation in Christ and give our lives to HIM FULLY!  Please pray with me this week and this weekend!!! 

Have a Blessed week!